Friday, March 6, 2020

Is it Time to Quit Your Job 8 Red Flags

Is it Time to Quit Your Job 8 Red Flags via Pixabay You dread going to work This isn’t the feeling that you would rather be doing something else that day instead of going to work every so often. It is an almost painful feeling every single day before you go to work. Thinking about walking into your office feels like there is a rock in your stomach. The feeling is so overwhelming that you may just want to break down and cry because you don’t want to go into work. If you wake up every morning and have absolutely nothing to look forward to at work, then it may be time to quit your job. You complain about your job constantly It’s all you talk about with your friends and family. When you get together for brunch with your friends on the weekends, all you contribute to the conversation is how awful your week at work was and what a terrible person your boss is. Everyone complains about their job at some point, but if you find that the only thing you talk about is how much you despise going into work, then maybe it is time for you to quit your job. You justify staying Quitting your job is like breaking up with someone. You know it’s the right thing to do, but you hate confrontation so you’re going to put it off for just a little longer in the hopes that maybe it’ll get better. If you find yourself saying something along the lines of, “I hate my job, but it offers stability and a nice paycheck,” then you are absolutely justifying you staying at your job. You must look past what your current job offers you and instead look at what new opportunities can offer you. When the cons outweigh the pros, then it is time to quit your job. via Pixabay Your health is declining First of all, you should never jeopardize your health for a job. Some people may not know that stress can take a toll on your body physically. Some of these effects include insomnia, headaches, stomach problems, frequent colds, and many other painful effects. Try to take some time off from your job to relax and relieve your stress. If you find that your job is stressing you out to the point that you are experiencing these effects and taking a few personal days off to relax is not helping, it may be time to quit your job. via Pixabay You’re bored Everyone gets a little bored at work sometimes. It may be a slow couple of weeks and you don’t have much to do, but once work picks up you’re excited to be busy. It is when you are bored at work all day no matter what is going on that it becomes a problem. Being consistently bored at work means that you are not fulfilling your potential and have lost all interest in your job. When you find that absolutely nothing excites you about your job, then it may be time to quit your job. via Pixabay You daydream about other opportunities It’s not uncommon for people to get lost in their thoughts while at work. Maybe they’re thinking about the next vacation they will take or what they will be having for dinner that night. If you find yourself daydreaming of other job opportunities and pursuing another time, then it may be a sign that it’s time to quit your job. via Pixabay Your skills aren’t being used One factor that contributes to becoming bored at work is that your special skills are not being used at your job. This holds you back from working to your full potential, especially if these skills are hard to come across. It’s important to feel like you are challenging yourself and cultivating your skills so you can advance later on in the company. If you find that basic skills are needed for your position and your company is not taking advantage of the special skills you have, then it may be time to quit your job. You don’t picture yourself there in the future Take a minute and try to imagine yourself 10 years from now. Are you still working for your company? Do you see the possibility of advancing to another position? Or are you still sitting at your same desk doing the same things you are now? You may see yourself doing working in a completely different field or at another company. If you don’t plan to stay at your company, then it may be time to quit your job.

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